Conference information
The Law and Society Association of Australia and New Zealand (LSAANZ) is pleased to invite socio-legal scholars and others working at the intersections of law and society to submit panel and abstract proposals for its 2023 in-person conference:
Voice, Resistance, and Repair: Law and living together
6-8 December | University of Technology Sydney
Gadigal Country | NSW, Australia
See below for more information.
Around the world, crises abound posing threats of ecological collapse, challenges to social cohesion, undermining of representative principles and erosion of institutional fairness. Many States and communities face challenges to legitimacy resulting from historical and ongoing structural injustices. Voices remain unheard and some are silenced. The conference asks the questions: How can we foster forms of legality that promote ways of living together that are inclusive, sustainable and just? Does law provide us with the tools to resist and repair a world that is inequitable and inhumane? Can different laws and legalities facilitate communities and co-habitation, whilst valuing dissent and difference?
Confirmed keynote speakers
Abstracts will be added to the programme as available.
Professor Lynette J Chua (National University of Singapore; President of the Asian Law and Society Association)
Associate Professor Khylee Quince (Auckland University of Technology; Dean, School of Law)
Professor Meg Garvin (Lewis & Clark Law School, United States; Executive Director, National Crime Victim Law Institute)
Associate Professor Nicole Watson (Murri woman from South East Queensland, who hails from the Munanjali and Birri Gubba peoples) (University of Technology Sydney, Australia)
Conference venue and location
The LSAANZ Annual Conference 2023 is hosted by the Faculty of Law at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS). UTS is a public university of technology defined by its support for the economic, social and cultural prosperity of its communities. The Faculty of Law is a dynamic and innovative law school. UTS Law fosters a dynamic, collaborative, and collegial research culture, working across disciplines and with the international, national and local community. The Faculty has several areas of research strength in the field of law and society, including Criminal Justice, Feminist Legal Research, Law, Health and Justice, International Law and Human Rights, Law and History, Media Law, Migration and Labour Law and Technology and Intellectual Property.
Transport and travel
UTS is close to Central Railway Station and is served by many buses along Broadway. For further information, click here.
The conference will take place at various sites on the central UTS campus. A map is available here.
Accommodation options
We have arranged discounts with several hotels within walking or commuting distance to UTS. Click here to see the discounts. For information on other accommodation options in Sydney, click here.
The 2023 LSAANZ AGM will be held during the conference, at 1:30pm on Thursday 7 December in UTS Building 11, Ground Level Lecture Theatre (CB11.00.401). The AGM documents are available here.
Workshop for postgraduate researchers (and ECRs)
A half-day postgraduate workshop will be held prior to the start of the main conference. The workshop is also open to early career researchers (those who are in the first stage may find the workshop particularly valuable).
LSAANZ offers a limited amount of financial support to assist postgraduate student members of the Association to attend the LSAANZ conference.
Further information about the workshop and bursary can be found here.
International delegates
LSAANZ welcomes scholars and delegates from across the world. We actively encourage attendance in-person (online presentations may be accommodated in exceptional circumstances). Please make sure you have the correct documents for entry to Australia. For further information, click here.
All other participants are responsible for making their own appropriate visa arrangements. LSAANZ will be able to provide these participants with an acceptance/invitation letter but will not be in a position to offer further assistance.
Acknowledgment of Country
UTS and LSAANZ acknowledge the Gadigal people of the Eora Nation, upon whose ancestral lands the conference will be held. We pay our respects to the Elders past and present, acknowledging them as the traditional custodians of the knowledge for these lands. Sovereignty has never been ceded.
To learn more about the Gadigal people of the Eora Nation, click here.
The Redfern Oral History project includes valuable information about the history of Gadigal land. Access is available here.
There are many ways to experience and learn about Indigenous ancient and contemporary cultures. For more information, click here.
Voice, Treaty, Truth
The LSAANZ Annual Conference 2023 will take place after the Referendum on a First Nations Voice to Parliament. Read more here.
UTS supports the Uluru Statement from the Heart and its implementation in full. Read more here.